We hate goodbyes. But we have to go.

Fiogee, an independent software development studio, was conceived with the aim of providing quality, reliable custom software solutions to our clients. Over a span of three years, we have successfully served more than six clients, fostering strong relationships and assisting businesses in overcoming digital obstacles. Our efforts have enabled these businesses to become technologically proficient, thereby expanding their reach and facilitating sustainable growth.
However, as Colpare embarks on its journey into the realm of Artificial Intelligence, we have made the strategic decision to discontinue Fiogee, our service division. Our focus will now shift to our next venture, AI.Colpare, where we will continue to offer customer-centric, customized software services solutions for AI-based problems.
Yours sincerely,
Team Fiogee at Colpare.

Note: Existing Fiogee Applications will remain active and functional, and will be subjected to EoL support until the end of contract. Please get in touch with your customer relationship executive for more information.